About the Regional Transportation Plan


The 2016 Regional Transportation Plan Draft and associated environmental document are now up for viewing!  The DNLTC will be accepting comments on the Draft RTP and associated environmental document until October 13, 2016 at 5:00 PM.  Visit  "Get Involved" under the 2016 RTP menu item to learn how to provide input.

Draft 2016 Del Norte County RTP- Posted September 9, 2016

Draft 2016 Del Norte County RTP-Appendices- Posted September 9, 2016

2016 Addendum to the Environmental Impact Report

A Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) is a long-range (20 year) planning document used to identify transportation infrastructure and program projects for a designated region. This document is required by statute and takes guidance from the guidelines prepared by the California Transportation Commission on a regular basis. In order to qualify for State and Federal transportation funds, projects must be in the Regional Transportation Plan. Long range planning of this sort shapes the future of our region’s as stated in the latest, 2010 RTP Guidelines.

Transportation helps shape an area’s economic health and quality of life. Not only does the transportation system provide for the mobility of people and goods, it also influences patterns of growth and economic activity through accessibility to land. Furthermore, the performance of this system affects such public policy concerns as air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, natural resources, environmental protection and conservation, social equity, smart growth, affordable housing, jobs/housing balance, economic development, safety, and security. Transportation planning recognizes the critical links between transportation and other societal goals. The planning process is more than merely listing highway and transit capital investments; it requires developing strategies for operating, managing, maintaining, and financing the area’s transportation system in such a way as to advance the area’s long-term goals. 

The last RTP for the region was developed in 2011 and regions are required to update their plans every 5 years to be eligible for State and Federal funding resources.

To view relevant planning documents, including the 2011 Regional Transportation Plan, click here.

Del Norte Local Transportation Commission, with assistance from Green DOT Transportation Solutions, will be updating the 2016 Del Norte County RTP.  Any outreach materials for the 2016 RTP update including notices, meetings, minutes and agendas will be posted on this website.